Color Genomics Has New Hereditary Cancer Risk Genetic Test

Color Genomics Has New Hereditary Cancer Risk Genetic Test  Find more genealogy blogs at FamilyTree.comColor Genomics has a mission to democratize access to high-quality genetic information. They provide high-quality, physician-ordered, genetic tests at a low cost. Their tests include support for physicians as well as genetic counseling as part of every purchase. Color Genomics has created a new genetics test that can identify the risk of common heredity cancers in women and men.

Color Genomics has broadened their Color Test to 30 genes. Those genes include many of the most common hereditary cancers for women and men including breast, colorectal, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, stomach and uterine cancers. The genes included in this broadened test panel can significantly impact an individual’s risk of these cancers.

According to Color Genomics, an APC mutation can increase the risk of colorectal cancer in both women and men up to 70-100% by age 80. The company also states that a BRCA1 mutation can increase a woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer up to 80%.

Color Genomics says that the selection criteria for individuals who can receive genetic testing for cancer risk-increasing mutations remains restrictive. Some of the reason has to do with the person’s ability to access health care services, and some has to do with whether or not the person’s health insurance plan will reimburse doctors who provide certain types of genetic testing.

One nice thing about Color Genomics broadened genetic test is the price. Their original version tested for breast and ovarian cancer risk only, and cost $249. The new version, that tests for a wider variety of genes that include many of the most common hereditary cancers will be offered at the same $249 price. The test comes with genetic counseling as part of every purchase to ensure that individuals have access to a board-certified, state-licensed medical professional to help them and their physician in understanding the results of the test.

Color Genomics says that detecting cancer early improves a person’s odds of surviving the disease. This is why it is a good idea to see a doctor for regular screenings and why a genetics test might provide helpful medical information.

Hereditary cancer is caused by an inherited genetic mutation. Genealogists who have put together their medical family trees might notice a recurring pattern of cancer across two or three generations. These types of cancers could be said to “run in the family” (even though many members of the family never develop cancer).

The phrase “familial cancer” refers to a cancer that appears to occur more frequently in a family than is expected by chance alone. These types of cancers don’t necessarily result from a specific genetic mutation that is linked to cancer. The cancer might come from a hereditary component that has not yet been identified by medical science.

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