is a genealogy website where you can search for your ancestors. There are 3.6 billion names that you can search through from this website. You can start by using the search engine on their page. It says: I am looking for, and there are boxes for you to type in your relative’s first name and last name. Use the drop down box to select the location you want to search. Or, you can click a link to browse by collection, or another link if you want to search through historic U.S. maps.

To try out this website, I typed my father’s first name and last name into the boxes, and used the drop down box to select that I wanted to search in the United States. Another drop down box appeared, where I was able to select which state I wanted to search in. I was automatically brought to another web page where I am told that there are five matches for my father’s name, and that they were found in four databases. Two matches are in the U.S. Social Security Death Index, and one is from a death index for a state my father never lived in. He is still alive, so I already know these results are not what I am looking for. One result is from the immigration records collection, which I also can ignore, since my father was born in the United States. This leaves one result to try: the one from the 1930 census records.

When I click on this link, I learn that I cannot see the results unless I become a member of FamilyLink. They offer a 3 day trial, which they claim is free, but you have to give them your credit card number in order to access the free trial. Monthly Membership costs about ten dollars a month, or you can pay about 100 dollars for a Yearly Membership. I also learned that more than six million people use this website monthly. My best guess is that this is a useful website, for those who are willing to pay for access to it.

JUNE FREELS 26/10/10

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