Germanic (regional) Genealogy

Originally a tribal group of people from the northern portion of Europe (Scandinavia area) who spread their language and culture to many regions in Europe by 200 to 300 A. D. Their Germanic languages would become dominant in present-day nations of Germany, Belgium, England, Netherland and Austria. Those who spread further south and west in Europe mixed the Germanic language with the Latin. Various tribes scattered into different European locations, such as the Franks in France, the Saxons and Angles in the British Isles, the Lombards in northern Italy, Visigoths into the Iberian Peninsula and the Goths in Italy and towards the lower Eastern European area.

Their populations had increased in the 5th century and numerous German people migrated even further. Even into North Africa some migrated, all trying to establish permanent homes.
In some locations while examining Germanic genealogy, it is easy to see the various tribes blended to provide greater strength. In England, the Angles merged with the Saxons. In Denmark, the Danes merged with the Jutes.

As the Germanic people became stronger in numbers, influence and power and the Roman Empire declined, the Germanic people embraced Christianity. They also set up more stable kingdoms, and the tribal wanders faded. One major common thread was the creation of a monarchy, only this king was elected by the nobility of free men. By the 11th century the Germanic societies had been converted to a feudal system and dynastic right applied. The new king had to be a blood relation of his predecessor.

Over the years, these Germanic people were able to adapt to any given region, mix with others and develop their society even further. Germanic people were often quick to assimilate or absorb into foreign cultures.

They were known for their genius at transforming the shared myths and memories of the tribe into epic literature. Germanic epics, important in Germanic genealogy, combine mythology with folk memory of real events and are sung or recited in many different forms and places before eventually being written down. The island of Iceland had Germanic migration and provides the fullest surviving record of Germanic mythology, history and legend.

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