Persian (Iran) Genealogy

The ancient Persian people and their language are found in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbenkistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. The largest populated group are in Iran, about 45 million, with the second being Afghanistan, having about 18 million.

The Persian language has various forms including those in the eastern regions using the dialects of Dari, Hazaragi and Tajiki. The language is one of the oldest languages still used in the 21st century. The Persian form called Farsi is mostly spoken in Iran. The majority of Persian popular practice the Islamic religion. The main form is Shia Islam and those further east follow Sunni Islam. The terms Persian and Iranian are used interchangeably to refer to the people of Iran.

The ancient Persians date back to 1500 B. C. in the land of present-day Iran. Over the centuries the culture and language spread across the Iranian plateau and eastward to Afghanistan.

Persian art and architecture has been influenced by the Greeks and Romans to the west and the Indians and Chinese to the east. The famous Persian woven rugs are the most detailed handmade works of art. This meticulous and beautiful display dates back thousands of years.

The most skilled Persian weaver can tie only 12,000 knots a day and with many carpets containing over one million knots, the handmade artistic masterpieces can take over a year to make.

Their long history has also produced literature, architecture and foods. Persian foods has become an art form as well. The Persian dishes accompanied by herbs and spices are a product of the creativity, skill and patience of many generations of cooks. For entertainment, a traditional tea house is in every local community in Iran. They serve strong tea and use the hookah, a water pipe for smoking.

The head of the household is the father and / or husband. The head expects obedience and respect from others in the family. In return, he is obligated to support them and to satisfy their spiritual, social, and material needs. In practice, he is more a strict disciplinarian. The household head perhaps can be a focus of love and affection, and family members may feel a strong sense of duty toward him. With arranged marriages done by the parents there are very few divorces.

In reference to Persian, it is said; ‘Iran’s glory has always been its culture.’ They have been open to other cultures and freely adapted to all they found useful.

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