Starting August 27 and running to September 2nd you will be able to asset the vast database of school yearbooks. This includes middle schools, high schools and colleges with approximately 400,000 yearbooks from across the United States. The years covered are 1900 to 1999.
Who knows what type of new information you can find on a sibling, cousin, parent or grandparent. Another often overlook individual to investigate would be family friends, either those friends of relatives or yourself.
As you look for individuals, remember females will be listed with their maiden name. Plus try different forms for given names. A fellow you know as ‘Richard’, may have been always called ‘Dick’ in school. Also when searching check all places within a state a person lived.
As you search you will see the name, date of the yearbook, the school name, its location along with a thumbnail photo image of the person. Click on View Record to the far left to call the information up. You can download by right-clicking to get a copy of the scanned photo. Look at the additional ‘Suggested Records’ to the right and investigate those listings.
Look also to see if your own middle, high school or college yearbooks are online with If not, look over the information about donating yearbooks to the collection.
Back to school time across the nation and a good time to check out those yearbooks.
Photos: Kenneth Rue, born 1919 and yearbook 1935 at Fairhaven Jr High; Mabel Rue 1908 at Smith College in Mass.; and Betty Rue born 1937, class of 1955 at Twin City HS in the State of Washington.
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