Ancestry announced that they have updated three of the game changing innovations that they introduced at RootsTech 2019. They are: ThruLines, MyTreeTags, and New & Improved DNA Matches. Ancestry points out:
“We launched these features in beta so you could explore them and send us feedback to make your Ancestry experience even better. Our teams received unprecedented engagement and feedback from all of you, and for that we’re so very grateful. We’re fulfilling our commitment to continuous innovation and improvement by thoughtfully reviewing your feedback and making requested updates.”
Updates to ThruLines will appear in the next few months:
* An updated algorithm that only suggests new potential ancestors not already in your family tree
* “Smart suggestions” for how to get discoveries from ThruLines even if you already have a large tree linked to AncestryDNA test
* Providing relationship records and DNA evidence details to help you better understand why potential ancestors are being suggested
Flexibility to keep or remove suggested potential ancestors from ThruLines discoveries
* Updates to MyTreeTags:
* An autosave feature in MyTreeTags that will replace the manual “save” button
* A new feature guidance tool that to help you know how to effectively use MyTreeTags
* Improved scrolling that is more compatible for members using a FireFox browser
* Making MyTreeTags available in mobile app
Updates to New & Improved DNA Matches will appear in the coming months:
* Making extra information, such as shared surnames, available on the match profile page
* Moving “add a note” feature and “add a match to a group” feature to the match profile page
* Adding the ability to bulk-add a match’s shared matches to a custom match group
* Showing the number of matches in each match group next to the group name in the match filter
* Moving the search button to a more visible location (next to the match group filters)
Related Articles at
* Ancestry Announced New Family History Tools
* Ancestry Brought Back the Family Group Sheets
* Recent Additions to the Databases
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