GenealogyInTime Picks Top 100 of 2016

GenealogyinTime Picks Top 100 of 2016  Find more genealogy blogs at FamilyTree.comGenealogyInTime Magazine is one of the largest independent and free genealogy websites in the world. Their independence allows them to provide valuable, honest, information. They are more than just a magazine. They are also a genealogy platform that has tools and resources to help people find their ancestors.

Every year, GenealogyInTime Magazine creates an objective list of the Top 100 genealogy websites from around the world. The Top 100 Genealogy Websites of 2016 has been released.

Each website is listed by rank from number 1 to number 100. The name of each website on the list appears after the rank. GenealogyInTime noted the category of each website as well. The category could be: records, cemetery, family tree, newspapers, DNA testing, search engine, forum, wiki, society, ethnic heritage, blog, and more.

The list also points out whether each website can be used for free or if a person must pay in order to use that website. There is also a section on the list that notes what rank a particular website was in 2015. That makes it very easy to compare last year’s rank to this year’s rank. Perhaps the most helpful part of the list is the section that contains a link with each website’s address.

One of the most interesting things about the Top 100 Genealogy Websites of 2016 is that it considers the various versions of a particular genealogy website individually. For example, was ranked number 1 (as it was in 2015). You can also find,,,, and further down on the list.

There is only one website on the list that was categorized as “DNA testing”. It is Family Tree DNA. Their website provides a learning center for people who want some help deciding which of the three DNA tests the company sells is the best one for them. The Learning Center can also provide information that can help a person interpret their test results.

Family Tree DNA has a Forum where people can discuss genealogy or DNA testing related topics of general interest. There are sections of the Forum that can be used by people who have taken one of the three DNA tests the company offers.

If you are looking for some good genealogy blogs to check out, there are a few that made the Top 100 genealogy websites list. One of them is Geneabloggers, which is an online community created by Thomas MacEntee. Another is DNAeXplained which is written by Roberta Estes who has been a professional scientist and business owner for more than 25 years. The blog focuses on genetic genealogy.

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