Record Your Relatives With MyHeritage App

Record Your Relatives with MyHeritage App  Find more genealogy blogs at FamilyTree.comMyHeritage is a well known genealogy website that can be used for free. (Those who want access to additional things can pay a subscription). Like many other websites, MyHeritage has its own mobile app, which they update with new features from time to time. Now, you can record your relatives with the MyHeritage App.

In January of 2016, MyHeritage added something called Audio Recordings to their mobile app. The straightforward name gives you a very clear idea of what the new feature can be used for.

It enables you to interview your relatives directly from their profile in the family tree (in the MyHeritage app). You can store the family stories they share for future generations of your family to enjoy.

The MyHeritage app can be downloaded for free. It is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android. The Audio Recordings feature is now available in both the iOS and Android versions of the MyHeritage mobile app. It appears that the mobile app is intended to be used by people who are also using the MyHeritage website.

The Audio Recordings feature on the app makes it easy for people who aren’t incredibly tech-savvy to record an interview with a relative. You won’t have to set up microphones or special audio software to use it. The app allows you to edit what you record without having to export the audio anywhere. Just do the editing within the app.

Start by selecting a relative’s profile from your MyHeritage family tree. There will be an icon that looks like earphones. Tap on that icon to create a new recording. You can also tap on that icon to access recordings that were previously saved for any person.

Clicking on the earphones button in the profile page of a relative will take you to the recordings page. That page lets you see the existing recordings you have done with that relative. The list is useful because it helps you to avoid going over the same topic or story more than once. When you are ready to record an interview with a relative, you need to click on the icon that looks like a microphone. It will automatically start recording.

The app will show a sound wave while you are recording. This is helpful because it gives you an easy way to know whether or not your smartphone is picking up the audio you are trying to record. If you don’t see a sound wave, it means something is wrong! The audio will be saved as an MPEG 4 audio file (which is also called M4A).

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