Your Ancestors During the 1930s

Your ancestors may have lived or grown up during the 1930s in America. The 1930s was a period marked, unfortunately, by chaos and dismay. This was due to the Great Depression and the start of World War II at the closing of the decade. Despite this, there were still plenty of fascinating and fun occurrences that happened during this era and affected your relatives.

First was the economic Great Depression, with widespread unemployment at 23%. Many families had to join forces, all living in one small house to survive. Everyone able tried to find or create some work that would bring in exchange of goods or any money to support the family.

Then at the end of the decade in September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland which began World War 2. Fighting was on the horizon.

But even with these two big items during the 1930s there were some good items. The World Cup Soccer matches began in 1930s with Uruguay beating Argentina. Two favorite movies were produced that thrilled audiences. There was “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone with the Wind” both in 1939. Consumer clothing for men and ladies was more subdued, less flamboyant. Cheaper based fabrics were used also.

In the 1930s, Scotch tape was invented by Richard Drew – quite a boom for homes and businesses. Note that this new product was manufactured by the 3M Company (Minnesota Mining & Mfg). Other inventions included: the ballpoint pen, the electric razor, nylon and Polaroid.

Action super heroes in comic book became popular. That included Superman in April 1938 and Batman in 1939. Other activities for adults and kids that were new: Miniature golf, Monopoly, Scrabble, East Money, Sorry, finger paint, pedal cars, Buck Roger gun, and playing marbles. New food items were Kool-Aid, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Bisquick, Spam, Twinkies, Snickers, Three Musketeers Bar, Lay’s Potato Chips and Ritz crackers. The number one favorite new food was Chocolate chip cookies aka ‘Toll House Cookies’ in 1938.

Many who grew up during the 1930s stated it made them ‘stronger’ to handle any problems in the future.

Photo: 1930 Scotch Tape.

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Photos of the 1930s

< Return To Blog Interesting that Scotch tape was in a tin back then to keep it from going bad.
Sara N Martin 13/04/21

Oh yes!
alice 13/04/21

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