Oct 7
Yes, it happens you have been away from actively doing your family tree and now you want to kick start the research. Or you have been working on the family history and are running into road blocks. Here are a few suggestions to 'get back on track' and have success. If you haven't already, go to the closest Family History Center (Church of the La...
Sep 17
That's your new goal this Fall, to begin your family tree? First, realize this will be a long project, years in the making - nothing that can be done overnight. However, the lasting reward will be magnificent, a true family treasure. Key to begin - start with yourself. Have a basic family tree chart (pedigree tree) and place your name, birth dat...
Sep 7
That is what you need to do to find any and all available resources that might have information on your ancestors. The following are a few such ideas: (Family ranch brand, drivers license, and the Federal Writer's Project) If your family had a ranch, do check the state recorder of marks and brands. It was later titled the Livestock Board. Here w...
Aug 25
The records originally written by our ancestors were usually placed in the family Bible. A center section in most Bibles traditional had several pages for the marking of family births, marriages and deaths. If you have access to a family Bibles, you have a true treasure. If you don't have one, then you could check with other relatives and see if th...
Aug 13
'Paleography' or Palaeography'. It refers to understanding and interpreting handwriting. Usually it is a skill applied to reading medieval writings (1200 to 1600s). Since you might not have ancestral handwritten documents quite that old, even more recent writings over the last 250 years can be difficult to read. If you have such document, use some...
Jul 19
Was the state of Alabama a place of residence for any of your ancestors, then you will want to check out the Alabama Dept. of Archives and History Digital Collections. Of special interest is the Alabama Photographs and Pictures Collection. This large image collection has over 15,000 pictures, illustrations and photographs relating to Alabama ove...
Jun 15
What better method to remember all the Dads (grandfathers, great grandfathers, gr gr grandfathers etc.) on Father's Day than to preserve those treasured photos, many of which they may have taken over the decades. A recent online site titled "Forgotten Photographs Project" tries to help preserve and share long lost photos. You know at antique shows...
Apr 21
There are types of specialty maps and charts today to help better understand how our ancestors lived. The University of Oregon's Mapping Project has a wealth of historical time periods and events in digital maps to see the progress and changes over the decades. It starts off with North America and where were the early English, French and Spanish s...
Apr 19
With the Internet you no longer have to travel great distances to visit and research in the massive libraries across the country. The New York Digital Library collections are tremendous and available to anyone online. The collections are not just with people and places related to New York, but cover many events, individuals in the country and ev...
Apr 17
With April 2014, this marks 149 years since the end in 1865 of the American Civil War. Everyone in searching their family tree want to know if they had soldier ancestors who fought in the Civil War. Now online is a database listing of Union (the North) soldiers who based on Union records were buried in military cemeteries, whether they died during...